--> Cultural Attractions Astana Gede Ciamis | LAYAK DIBUKA

Selasa, 27 Desember 2016

Cultural Attractions Astana Gede Ciamis

| Selasa, 27 Desember 2016
Kawali site, also known as Astana Gede is known as the complex historical and cultural relics of the past, i.e. at the time of the Kingdom of Galuh around 8th centuryAd 1 4. Astana Gede Kawali sacred place is during the reign of the Kingdom of Sunda-Galuh in Kawali. In ancient times the capital Astana Gede bemarn: Kabuyutan Sanghyang Lingga Hiyang rttsebut authors estimate Ruth menu Astana Gede (Astana = makarn and = large Gede), after the Jiatas cascading shrines Constructed the Kings previous Kawali still Hinduism, then used the tomb of great ones namely Adipati Singacala as King Kawali years 1643-1 71 8 M descendants of the Sultan of Cirebon that already embraced Islam.

So don't be weird when we visit to Astana Gede dikomplek there was peningalanHindu but there are tombs of Muslims. As the Center. the governance of Kings that ever reigned in ternpat this is Prabu Ajiguna Linggawisesa, known as The Lumahing or Ragamulya, Prabu kiding Aki Obscurantist, Prabu Linggabuwana the bubat incident, Rahyang. Niskala Wastukancana which left several inscriptions in Astana Gede (site Kawali) and Dewa Niskala children from Rahyang Wastukancana. Location of relics of this history and archaeology to the North or exactly 27 km from Ciamis, namely lbukota in Indrayasa Village sub district of Ciamis Kawali. When a motorvehicle, whether unaccompanied or car length of about forty five minutes. Road conditions are good enough because it was undergoing a paving, so it's not hard to reach. Area. the location of this ancient relic is 5 Ha, disekelilingnya lush with trees.Its natural state is quite comfortable and cool so give the impression pleasant to each visitor.

It is located at the foot of the mountain where he was on the South of the river Cibulan, which flows from West to East, to the East in the form of a small trench from the river Cirnuntur which flows from North to South, the River North of Cikadongdong and West of the Cigarunggang River. The State of the environment of the siteis a protected forest overgrown with different types of plants, perennials include terrnasuk familia meliceae, lacocarpaceae, euphorbiaceae, sapidanceae and others, plant crops, rattan, salak, clove etc. According to archaeological findings, when viewed from the mummified cultures in the area of Astana Gede Kawali is mixed, i.e.derived from the prehistoric, classical and Islamic periods.

A form of culture that is happening is estimated to range from megalithic traditioncharacterized by the presence of findings constructed stairs, stone mortar, menhir,yoni then proceeds gradually. to the historical cultural tradition (classic) that are characterized by the presence of inscriptions, then berlaniut to the traditions of Islamare characterized by the presence of ancient tomb. Thus the area of Astana Gede is an area of interest to visit.

According to data obtained from the authors observe that the Astana spokesmanGede Kawali never recede from visitors. In every rahunnya the visitors always bertarnbah, they came from different regions in Ciamis, even many who came from the Iuar District Ciarnis with different goals such as, berdaraawisata, pilgrimage or research field.

Objects – objects of cultural heritage are there in Cede Astana Kawali it made up,constructed with staircase, a menhir, inscriptions, ancient tombs, etc. Also Cikawalisprings that never dry all year.

Objects of historical heritage and archaeology as cultural heritage has an important role and serve as, buktl evidence of history and culture, history and culture, objects of historical and cultural science, history and culture, the mirror of the media for coaching and development of cultural values, the nation's culture education media of all time, the media to memupukan the nation's personality in the field of culture and the national resistance, and as a cultural tourism destination. As a protection against objects (in order of culture, the Government passed a law called ACT of cultural (so no. 5 Th. 1992. One of the sound of the LAW (article 26) is, "whoever intentionally damaging Objects (so that culture and sites and their surroundings, move, or carry Objects (so the culture without the permission of the Government, as in article 15 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) are convicted with prison forever 10 (ten) years or a fine of one hundred million extended.

In addition to being protected by law, Government spokesman mengangkar also keep CIVIL SERVANTS (Civil State Employees) which is in charge of maintaining andcaring for the sites in question so that his condition can be maintained (good).
The ACT of BCB th. 1992 is one form of attention pernerintah big enough against the preservation of the historical heritage and archaeology, as in sarnping as a Treasury of valuable knowledge, science is also a mummified ancient rnasa culture which is considered representative of his time/of his time. Therefore, unity must be maintained and preserved lest there is a damage, stealing, or transform it so that it is eliminating its authenticity.

Astana site Gede Kawali beside as children's cultural heritage and cultural attractions, as is also the object of knowledge. Many cultural remnants of the past who have been dizamah by scientists such as archaeologists, historians and philologists. They come to menellti ranging from different types of rocks, the writing and language, or other findings that were successfully excavated primarily by archaeologicalexperts.

Research in Astana Gede started at the time of Netherlands, but rather operates on the inscription. 1914 Oudhekumdige Diens holds an inventory of archaeologicaldata in Astana Gede Kawali. In 1982, the Directorate for the protection of the construction history and archaeology Jakarta held feasibility study site restoration. YearI985, performing testing of arkeologl (field check) in the field of development in order to download Korean drama cungkup. 1993 Arkenas Tin1 Puslit and Balar Bandung held archaeological logging. The results show that the site of Astana Gede Kawali date from the praselarah. Classic and Islam, as has been mentioned in advance. While the first find was Thomas Raffles in 1817 was succeeded by Governor General Van Dumer Twiest th th Priederik 1853, 1855, 1867, Lord of th Brumund Veth th 1896, Pleyte 1911, De Haan in 1912 and restored by Puslit Arkenas Th 1984 s/d th 1985 whereas pemagaran by Asylum relics of history and archaeology of Bantenin 1992 until 1993 and never evacuated from BALAR and asylum.

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